Monday, October 18, 2010

On Brand

I mentioned before that I worked at the Crocker Art Museum and with their recent renovation & expansion, they have re-invigorated their website as well. View it here. It's transformation is marked by several things, 1. new logo, 2. a beautifully designed header that is consistent throughout the whole site and 3. abounding interactivity. Arguably the thing most important to a company or entity is the way in which it is branded i.e. the logo, standard look & feel to all collateral pieces, the streamlined-ness to everything aesthetic about themselves.

The Crocker Art Museum has done a good job of "re-branding" - they have scrapped their busy logo for a more contemporary logotype. Their new identity is posted everywhere & was used as much as possible on all printed collateral at the opening day events & the "neo-crocker art party".

When an entity changes their identity too many times, the general public becomes increasingly confused and potentially skeptical of said entity. Consistency is the best thing a group can strive for. If Lady Gaga had changed her name 3-4 times she may never have been as successful as she became.

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